He who opens a school door, closes a prison. ~ Victor Hugo
I love learning. I believe that this has been evident in many of the quotes that I have written on, posts about literature and even the posts in which I give view points on different items in business. Honestly, I do not know when exactly when my fascination with learning began (maybe when I was little and would borrow books from the school library about different countries/historical figures), but it has been a part of my life as long as I have remembered.
He who opens a school door, closes a prison. ~ Victor Hugo
Does anyone else find it a little ironic that kids now a days consider school a prison? I find this intriguing, because I agree with the Hugo's quote but I can also agree with the these current students.
To get the students' point of view out of the way, school has become almost too test driven. I have friends who are teachers who have to make sure that kids are being able to answer questions but not necessarily teaching problem solving skills. It almost seems like we are more determined to turn these students into robots than freeing them from a prison.
Now, not all education or schools are like that. Like I stated before, I agree with Hugo's quote because it's not about the actual school, it is the opportunity that it gives each individual.
Schooling is the opportunity, because it gives individuals the tools to acquire knowledge not just in the classroom, but in places like the library or extracurricular activities. It is a place that can help an individual realize their full potential; a place to think outside the box; a place that can help you develop a passion; and a place that can help you achieve your dreams.
To me, opening a school door is opening a world of opportunity. I understand that there are many schools that are not like what I described or that some may not have been as fortunate as me to have teachers who encouraged a unique way of thinking.
It is our personal choice whether we live in a prison or not. It is our choice to open that door and to keep that door open for not only our continual learning, but for the education for future education.
Let's not live in a world full of prison filled ignorance, but a place where the doors of knowledge are left open.