22 August 2010

Pressing the Reset Button

Tomorrow is my first day at the new university I am attending this year and I honestly have no idea how I am feeling. This year is a completely different year for me and I have no idea how to respond to it.

This is my second year of higher education, so it's not like I am nervous about going to classes or being lost. In fact, I feel pretty good about the campus and I sort of have a clue of where I am heading. I actually feel comfortable with the school and can breathe about going.

The only thing that is really concerning me is friends. Now I'm not going to be dramatic and say I feel lonely, because that is a lie. I know a handful of people that go to the university and I am looking at different organizations to become a part of. The friends that I am talking about are the friends at my old college.

I have kept in touch with some of my friends, but it won't feel the same without them being around me. I guess this is something that has been on my mind for a while and it is now being a dominant force in my mind. All day this thought has been bouncing around my head at how this year will be different since I will not be surrounded by the great group of friends I have already bonded with at many retreats and activities around campus.

I guess this can be good, but I honestly feel a little sadder than I did when I left my college on the last day of finals for me. It seems odd and I guess I have just let it festered this feeling inside of me and has caused me to become a little out of it.

I should be feeling total excitement about this new start, but I liked my old start at my other school. Do not get me wrong, I am truly excited for this change and all that lies ahead of me here at this new environment, it's just that I am a little emotional and a bit reminiscent of my first year of school.

This is just a new experience which will help me along the way. It is just another school, another place in another city that will introduce me to other friends and another life which will be about the same. The reset button is only partly true, for I am still me, it's just that the location is reset.

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