09 December 2010


Last night was a very interesting night for me. I went to bed at a decent hour of 11:30 and thought I would get a decent night of sleep. This was not the case at all.
I woke up around 3am and felt this sharpening pain near my heart. The dream I had was the most terrifying dream I have ever had, because it was of me dying. It was very graphic and felt real. I could not go back to sleep and was really scared. I don't think I have ever felt this much fear in my life.
So what I did to relax was to pray, for that was the only thing I could do. The result of the dream really shook me up and I prayed and confessed whatever was on my heart.
After I went to sleep again, I had another dream, which was equally strange but in a different way. I was with a friend and we were just standing around talking. Then a black wind type thing entered into them. Once the black wind thing entered into them, they turned into a dragon and rushed to a group of innocent people. I chased after my friend who turned into the dragon and jumping in front of the group of people. I looked at them and said "The Lord is my light and my Salvation. Whom shall I fear?" I then followed up by saying that I have the armor of God and the armor appeared on me. I then battled my friend and was able to defeat them. Then I woke up.
These two dreams are completely different and both terrify me in a different way, but I feel as if they mean more. I know people have said that dreams are gateways to one's soul, but I'm always a little hesitant on that. Not that I don't believe the importance of dreams, but I just don't take them that seriously.
Now after the night I had, I'm starting to think that they might actually play a bigger role. I don't think I will ever forget either of these dreams, because the details have been playing over and over again in my head like they have a deeper meaning that I haven't figured out yet. I guess I will have to look deeper to think what the true meaning of these dreams are.

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