15 October 2009


Can anyone really hide parts of themselves? I think some can and others can't hide parts of their life to save their life. Some try to hide, but they seem so fake when they hangout with the group.

So does hiding parts of your personality mean you are being fake? I think the answer to this question is a simple yes. If you cannot be yourself and tell the truth about yourself, then why live at all. If you're living a lie, then you aren't really living at all. And if you aren't living, then what are you? Are you slowly suffocating your true identity till your identity is just a simple memory from a bright summer day? Or does your identity live on forever just laying in a closet somewhere wanting to break free? Who knows. I don't know the answers, but I think that hiding yourself is not a good thing to practice. It just ends up hurting you at the end of the day.

Why do we hide? Do we do this just to protect ourselves or are we embarrassed of who we are? Do we hide because it sometimes feels easier to cover who we really are so we don't break or does this action actually break us?

I say we just stop hiding and come into the light. It's a hard step to do, but it would make things a little easier. But who knows.

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