07 April 2014

The Untold Story

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ~ Maya Angelou
Writing is one of my favorite pastimes. When I have a free moment, a pen and paper or a computer in front of me, I will be writing. It's what I love. There was actually a point in my life when I had an English professor ask me why I was not continuing my education in English (I started my college degree as an English Major with a focus on Creative Writing). My reply was simple and straight forward, "I love it too much to be paid for it."

I look back on this and think how true it is, but also how foolish the answer was at the same time.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ~ Maya Angelou

As I have had time to look back at myself when I said that and realize where I have come, I still end up having to shake my head.

Recently, I have been writing more and in a different style than I have ever written. It's like I have finally found my voice.

As a side note, I do not mean this blog. I have a couple of things I have been working on, but one has honestly peaked my interest like no other story has. This story is not in my typical genre and I honestly love it!

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ~ Maya Angelou
I have found a story that is worth telling and to be honest, it has consumed my mind and caused me to think in a completely different perspective. It is like I am learning from this character that I am creating, because she is not just an extension of me, but her own identity and mannerisms and opinions.

When you have that story inside you and finally find it and then you start writing it out, it is absolutely freeing. It's like all the internal pain is being released and this other world is being born out of the chaos of the writer's mind. It's such a beautiful experience to go through.

So if you have a story inside of you, then write it! Since it is agony if you hold it inside of yourself.

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