07 February 2014

Let's Talk about the movie "Frozen"

I LOVE the movie "Frozen!"

I am not ashamed at all for admitting that. I have only seen it twice and need to make plans with a friend to see it again (my third and her first).

Now I love this movie for a couple reasons, but I will be targeting on my main ones.

So let's dive in now

I will be having a spoiler, but it will be in the last reason and I will again make sure I put the word spoiler in bold. I feel like you should be warned so your experience is not ruined. Actually, the more I think about it... If you haven't seen the film yet, just don't read this. Turn around and find a theatre, watch it then read my blog.

I love how awkward Anna is.

If you have seen the movie or any gif made of Anna, it shows how awkward she is. I think this is one of the reasons why "Frozen" has been so popular, because there is an awkward Disney princess who isn't perfect. You see her waking up in the morning with crazy hair and she doesn't know how to act around a guy who she finds attractive. I enjoy Anna and can relate to her in certain areas, but I have friends who literally are kindred spirits with her and they just love her character.


Elsa is my girl! Talk about a Disney princess who I feel so connected to, because she has all these underlying pressures that she puts on herself and thus feeling alone. She is trying to live to this standard that she feels like she has to live up to and constantly feels like she is letting everyone down. She feels like she can't be herself and wants to break through and until everyone finds out about her and she is forced to let it go. Literally, the last month and a half I have been BLASTING the song "Let it Go" because that is how I have felt and what I have been through.

Also the fact that she calls out Anna for falling for a guy right away and pretty much says no to a marriage. Elsa straight up destroyed all Disney stereotypes that you just fall in love with the first guy who moves, but instead you need to get to know him and you know, have a relationship and make informed decisions. She is breaking down barriers and I have so much respect for that!

If you have not taken my warning above and not seen the movie yet... then here is the big spoiler! Don't get mad at me that you now know what happens... I warned you. Seriously, if you have not seen the movie yet, turn back now, find a movie theatre and go see it! Seriously.... I'm not joking

You don't need a man to save the day!

This ending of Anna saving the day and saving her sister is AMAZING! Now don't get me wrong, I like the whole true love's first kiss (I'm a romantic), but let's be real now. Sometimes an act of true love isn't a kiss, but laying your life down for someone or putting someone before yourself. This ending is such a great lesson for little girls, because it teaches them to have hope in each other, that you don't have to be catty to each other, that you can actually have each others backs. The lessons that "Frozen" teach in this area is just awesome, because so many people in the world don't want to deal with this and if you do agree with this you are labeled as a crazy feminist or just an overly emotional woman or something way worse. There is nothing wrong with being a feminist and being able to save yourself instead of just waiting for a knight to come in.

"Frozen" has been breaking through so many barriers and brought up a lot of good discussions that have been needed. It has also forced some issues to the forefront about being an independent woman and being proud of that (not letting things get to you and supporting each other). If that is the lesson this is teaching little girls, I am all for this!

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