13 October 2009

The First of Many

Oh the wonderful world of blogging. The place where one can truly show their true feelings of the world around them. The place where no one really knows each other, but at the same time, they might actually know them the best. Is that not true? When we write in these forms, we can express who we really are and no one will judge you in the same way, since they are only judging the writings that we do. Isn't that just the greatest thing? We can be who we are, yet hide who we are. Isn't that the direction our generation is moving towards? We hide who we really are for the fear of what others think. Why? What's the whole point in doing this? It doesn't help and it more so hurts us. So why hide ourselves? Why change who we are for society? Why go with the social norms, because who is really "normal?" No one is "normal" and this idea is killing us. People constantly want more and that is the reason we are slowly dying. Suffocating ourselves with the idea of materialism. We need to change and give up some of the things we so called "need"(which are only items we want). Change needs to happen. A new revolution needs to happen so our generation won't be falling into a pit of destruction. We are creating our own inferno.

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