06 January 2014

Success Through Failure

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
~Winston Churchill

We praise the winners and if you lose, you look at what you can do to be like the winner. There is always this constant view that people need to be the victor and if you fail at all, then you are not as valuable. This is exceedingly messed up.

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
~Winston Churchill

What does success actually mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, success means:
: The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame
: The correct or desired result of an attempt
: Someone or something that is successful: a person or thing that succeeds

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
~Winston Churchill

Maybe it’s just me, but does anyone else find disconnect between Churchill’s quote and the exact definition in the dictionary? Typically I find that a quote and the definition of the main word compliment each other, but this one seems to be viewing things in a different way.

In my opinion, I don’t necessarily like the definition of success, because I don’t think it encompasses the true meaning of what the word means. I do though completely agree with Churchill’s quote. I believe it better defines what success means.

For example, is it a complete failure if you take that leap and move to a different city and don’t have a job, but are getting training for a specific program? Some would say yes because one does not have a job, but another would say yes, because you are not being complacent in life, that you are actually taking a challenge and planning on taking complete control of life.

I have had many failures in 2013, like a lot of failures. In 2013 I did graduate college, but what other big success did I have that the world would consider successful? I do not have a career yet, which is what you are supposed to do after graduation. Yet, if I don’t agree with the definition of success and agree with Churchill, then I have had much success.

I may not have a career yet, but from this failure and frustration I have taken initiative of learning about my field of choice. It has also forced me to look ahead and decide that grad school is in my future and that I may need to try to do unique ways to fit into the changing times.

So overall, I may look like a failure to some, but I have not let my enthusiasm dim in anyway. In fact my enthusiasm has grown because the ever-changing environment in business and marketing just causes me to yearn to learn more and more. So call it failure, but my failure has given me focus and drive that I would have never had if I had gotten a career in the first place.


Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
~Winston Churchill

Are you walking from failure to failure and staying positive or are you just giving up? I hope you are not just viewing success as wealth or fame or anything like that, because then you may have to ask yourself how happy you actually are. I’ve failed and my failure is frustrating, but has made me happy because I know what I want in life.

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