10 January 2014

Simple Wise Words

I would have never expected Random Friday to be such a difficult post to write or maybe it is just this Friday. This post has been on my mind all day and I have had little to no inspiration, but from the advice that I have learned from: if you want to be a writer, you must force yourself to write even when you don't feel like it.

As I have been trying to figure it out while watching TV, one of my favorite shows from my childhood came on and it brought me to find this clip:

For those of you who do not recognize this clip, this is from "Boy Meets World." This clip shows the last lessons the main characters learned from their beloved teacher, Mr. Feeny. He states:
Believe in yourself. Dream. Try. Do good.
As I have gotten older and rewatched the show, I was young when this show was on, I've been able to find the true lessons that this show has. It really warms my heart to watch this show in syndication, because this show wasn't just about growing up and getting into trouble, but taught life lessons.

The vast majority of the people I know love this show because of Mr. Feeny. Don't get me wrong, you love all the other characters, but Feeny was more than a character to viewers. Feeny gave us lessons on hope, how to never give up on yourself, to value education and to not let anyone look down on you because you are young.

Going back to the quote, that was the last bit of the show. Those were the parting words of Mr. Feeny and the last advice he gave his long time students.

His words, simple and few, are exceedingly powerful. But sometimes the simple and shortest explanation is what we need and is the most difficult to grasp.

This last episode aired when I was in the 3rd grade. I remember listening to Feeny's last word, knowing that they were important to listen to but not fully understanding them. As graduate from college trying to figure out what I am to do with myself in the world, his words speak volumes in my life.

So, what I leave you with on this Random Friday post is simple:
Believe in yourself. Dream. Try. Do good.

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