14 October 2009


You know what gets under my skin, stupidity. Not like the stupid things that people do that are funny, but the actual asinine personality. I am currently dealing with a person who has no intelligence relating to life. It is as if they are clueless to their surroundings. And if they do realize everything that is happening around them, then they are doing a good job in hiding their intelligence. Really, how can a person really be that oblivious to life? I might just be overreacting, but what if I’m not. What if this person just has no clue and will soon fail at life all together. Well, then what can I do? The answer to that is nothing.
If there is one thing I have learned over time is that if someone is doing something foolish; you cannot help them unless they ask. Oh, and if they do ask and reject your help, then don’t help them and five them no pity. Because at the end of the day, that’s all they want; they want only your pity and to guilt you.

Pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by misfortunes.

Guilt: a feeling of having done wrong.
Why should I have pity on a person who constantly complains? Why should I feel guilt if they are causing themselves the misfortune? Why should I actually deal with this person?
Is this not just another curse of life? The question that no one really knows how to answer, but we can only ponder. Do we just deal with the stupid people of the world who think that they deserve pity? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is yes. I hate to admit that, but we do have to stand them and just hope that they do not have children, because if they haven’t learned to live, then their children will be worthless.
Oh, the lack of pity that I have for some people. So, does this mean I am a cold-hearted person or does it mean I have a brain to think? Well, does anyone really know the answer to this question?

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