11 February 2010


If one can tell, I like to hide secrets from people. That's why I have this blog so I can vent and I have a personal journal where all of my thoughts are written. I don't mean to be secretive, but I just can't trust all people.
If you talk too loud,judgmental and have an opinion on everything, then I'm not going to share anything with you. You are not a trustworthy person in my mind. I don't need to tell everybody everything about my life. I tell people I know won't hurt me with it.
To all whom I don't share things with, it's because I feel as if you will use my past to hurt me. I'm sorry this may offend, but you offend me with your cruel words and your constant use of sexual innuendos and thinking it's funny.
Painful words were the main reason why I started to feel pain in my life, so why would I ever tell someone who does this exact thing to other people. They are like the same people who caused to cry every night when I was in junior high.
I keep secrets so when I actually meet a person I can trust, I can tell them. I don't trust all people at all. From what I've witnessed, a lot of people use information for their own use. It's really hard to find someone to trust, but when you do, keep them close.

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