13 February 2010

Some people are overrated

So my past two blogs or so have been complete angst which I will admit is annoying, but this one is not going to be positive either.
What this one is going to be on how people are very much overrated. Now, not all people are, but there is a group of people in my life who I feel as if they don't even know who I am even though they hang out with me all the time. For some odd reason now, they all annoy me because of their foul mouths and horrible judgments and cruel jokes.
None of these things are appealing to me and I'm getting sick of it all. I feel as if I need to yell out and say get out! You are terrible people who only think of yourselves and no one else. Have you ever thought that your actions hurt people? Has a thought like that ever crossed your mind?
I'm guessing the answer to that is no, since you would not be acting this way if it had.
I not perfect and will admit it completely, but this is ridicules. This way of acting is meant for junior highers, but even some of them are better behaved then they are. I feel as if some people's judgments of this generation is true. Maybe we are big foolish people who will ruin the world. So here's a toast for this generation for screwing up the world. Well, not everyone, only this small group who are ignorant fools. Here's a toast to them who really need to jump off a cliff. Let's hope they do soon.

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